After a failed first attempt to find Petersham Nurseries last month we were determined to find it a few weeks back when we went on a walk by the river (been busy hence the delay at getting this post live!). I only wish that I could have had a 'supermarket sweep' style moment in their shop - I would have easily piled my trolley high with all their wonderful plants, books, wellies, vintage homeware, tin pots in about 60 seconds.
These are a few of my favourite pics that I managed to take whilst oooh-ing and ahh-ing at all the lovely flowers but Artemis over at Tales of a Junkaholic has recently taken some amazing shots from her sunny visit the other week and captured the place really well. If you want to escape the hustle and bustle of London town then this is the place to visit, oh and you can have a cup of tea and slice of cake too!